Our Team
Nancy Satterly
As our House Manager, Nancy brings many years of experience working with women facing difficult life situations. Most recently she worked in Safe House, located in the Rogue Valley, that housed sexually trafficked girls (age 12-17). Nancy was part of a team that was responsible for the care, safety, and emotional growth of up to 7 girls at a time. She was involved with each one individually giving counseling and guidance to overcome the trauma that these girls experienced.
For 4 years, Nancy worked as a resource manager at the Medford Women and Children’s Gospel Mission shelter. She connected the women to community resources, helped with finding housing, work, medical care, and navigating through life situations.
Nancy served in India for 5 years, where she taught English to village children and was also involved in teaching moms about good hygiene, and how to best care for their children.
Nancy has studied and received a certificate from “Think Kids” which focuses on a more compassionate and effective approach to understanding kids with challenging behaviors.
She is also a certified Peer Support Specialist in adult addictions, registered with the Oregon Health Authority.
Nancy truly enjoys coming alongside women to help them become all they can be.